TEAPO G-Luxon Radial ECap series
 Features  Miniaturization, Low Impedance, Slim Type, Long Service Life, High Temperature(125℃)
 Size  4φ×5mm~25φ×40mm
 Voltage  4~500V
 Temperature  -40 ~ +125℃
 Load Life  1000~5000 Hours
 Polarity  Unipolar and bipolar (polarity)

Type Teapo Luxon Feature Capacitance Voltage Temperature PDF
Bi/Non - polar BX BX Bi-polar, Horizontal correction 1~33 25~50 105℃ 1000hours
Bi/Non - polar RB RB Non-polar for crossover 1~100 25~100 85℃ 1000hours
Bi/Non - polar RN RN Non-polar 1~6800 4~250 85℃ 1000hours
Bi/Non - polar SN RX Non-polar 1~2200 6.3~250 105℃ 1000hours
Bi/Non - polar SR BP Bi-polar, Horizontal correction 1~33 25~50 85℃ 1000hours
Gerenal Type SE(SEK) SE General purpose Series 1~15000 6.3~450 105℃ 1000hours
Gerenal Type SH SM Miniature and general purpose Series 1~22000 6.3~450 105℃ 2000hours
Gerenal Type SK GR General purpose Series 1~22000 6.3~500 85℃ 2000hours
High Ripple SG LC High ripple and long life 3.3~330 160~450 105℃ 3000~5000hours+R
High Ripple SP SP High ripple and long life 3.3~330 160~450 105℃ 8000~10000hours+R
High Ripple SQ LB High ripple and high voltage 2.2~220 160~450 105℃ 2000hours+R
High Ripple SU SU High ripple and long life 3.3~330 160~450 105℃ 10000~12000hours+R
Low Impedance AK AK High Temperature & Long Life 47~4700 10~63 125℃ 2000-5000hours
Low Impedance SC LZ Low ESR and high frequency 4.7~15000 6.3~100 105℃ 1000~3000hours+R
Low Impedance SJ LU Low impedance and high ripple 5.6~6800 6.3~100 105℃ 1000~5000hours+R
Low Impedance ST ST Low impedance and long life 6.8~15000 6.3~63 105℃ 4000~10000hours+R
Low Impedance SY LT Low impedance and long life 22~15000 6.3~100 105℃ 2000~6000hours+R
Low Impedance SZ LW Ultra low ESR 470~3300 6.3~16 105℃ 1000~2000hours+R
Low Impedance TA TA Low impedance and long life 33~8200 6.3~35 105℃ 4000~10000hours+R
Low Profile D5 SF 5mm height 1~330 4~50 85℃ 1000hours
Low Profile D7 SS 7mm/9mm heigh 1~470 4~63 85℃ 1000hours
Low Profile H5 H5 5mm height 1~330 4~50 105℃ 2000hours
Low Profile H7 H7 7 & 9 mm height 1~470 4~63 105℃ 2000hours
Low Profile S5 FX 5mm height 1~470 4~50 105℃ 1000hours
Low Profile S7 SX 7 & 9 mm height 1~470 4~63 105℃ 1000hours
Slim capacitors TG TG High ripple and long life 10~150 250~450 105℃ 3000~5000hours+R
Slim capacitors TH TH General purpose 10~150 250~450 105℃ 2000hours
Slim capacitors TP TP High temperature and long life 10~330 160~450 105℃ 8000~10000hours+R
Others SB LX Low leakage current 1~4700 6.3~100 105℃ 1000hours
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